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There are several ways you can support BU Paws and the dogs that call our sanctuary home.


Foster Family Program: 


General Donation: 


Donate Goods: 


Donate Services: 


For online donations,  please visit:


This is the encrypted BoÄŸaziçi University Foundation (BÜVAK) website

in English and Turkish




Donating in Honor of Another

Instead of buying a dog as a gift for a birthday, graduation or other special occasion, consider giving a donation in the name of the friend or loved one, whom you want to honor. This can be a one-time donation or a regular contribution to the Foster Family Program.  What a lovely gift it is to know that a donation in your name is supporting the well-being of a dog and helping solve the problem of animal homelessness.

Giving in Memory of Loved Ones

A number of our donors and Foster Families give in the name of animal-loving friends and relatives who have passed away to honor their memory.  Among these is Ataman Arsoy, whose life-time devotion to rescue animals was central to the upbringing of our volunteer coordinator, Defne Arsoy.  His compassion for animals and influence on his daughter are at the heart of BU Paws and the Foster Family Program. 



Workplace Donations

Many businesses participate in charitable activities to improve the community. Donating through your office is a great way to give. There are tax advantages available for institutional donations to our non-profit foundation.  Talk to the Social Responsibility officer at work about including BU Paws in giving campaigns. If your office is not set up to do this, another option is for a group of interested colleagues to join together and pool funds to form a Foster Family for a dog.

Donate Goods

Are you cleaning out your closets or moving out of town? 

We will gratefully accept donations of used goods!


Electric stove top burners,

kitchen & household appliances,

space heaters,

sheets, towels, bath mats, pillows,

blankets, carpets, throw rugs, curtains,

plastic containers with or without lids

cloth tarps,

heavy-duty plastic tarps for winterizing kennels

flashlights, batteries, light fixtures,

work tools of all kinds -- work gloves, screwdrivers, hammers, nails, screws, pruning 

     sheers and clippers, wire cutters, brooms for dry and wet surfaces, shovels, rakes,


household repair supplies -- spackle, cement, bricks, wooden slats/boards, wood or

     wire fencing etc.

heavy-duty trash bags,

mens clothing, especially for winter, all men's sizes S-XL,

size 43 shoes & boots,


soap, shampoo, hygiene products,

furniture, household equipment

leashes, harnesses for medium or large dogs.


If you have things you would like to donate:



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